Friday, January 28, 2011

Candle Light

I just lit all the candles in my nice and peaceful. And then I laid here with my eyes noise.. for a good 10 minutes. So perfect.

My conclusion from my last post..I was overly exhausted.

Today was another long day--went to an Autism Conference in River Falls. I must say I was quite disappointed; I was so very excited for this.

Now I am curled up under an afkan with my body pillow and Black Jack.. glass of wine in my mom's "lemonade" glass (which I must say are quite possibly my favorite glassware ever. Watching NCIS.

One thing that is incredibly obnoxious... Jack likes to do his pawing thing before he lays down--let me define "hiw pawing thing" he slowly lifts his front paws simultaneously and digs them.. and it's generally on me--can't say it's in my top 10 feel good feelings. And it's not like he does this for 30 seconds...or a minute... or even 2 minutes..this is like a 10-15 minute procedure..and if he is smart he will stop after a minute or two otherwise he gets kicked out when I am not use to it.

Cirque Du Soliel is on NCAS right now and man I wish I could go watch it.

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