Friday, August 26, 2011


It's been so nice having Nate home..and starting our home together. Things are really falling into place; FINALLY! A girl can't complain when she wakes up to a hot cup of coffee and breakfast on the table before work! And it's been really nice that he's been so helpful around the house--he did laundry yesterday while I was at work--clean sheets, towels, and clothes.. YES!

On another note, Rosey leaves for Germany on Monday for four months (deployment). I am going to miss her, but I think this will be good for her and she is excited to go. I wish I could go.

The date is set (well Nate's and my big move day) he has to be in Mississippi on NOvember 2, 2012. I am actually really excited to go. I am ready for some adventure with our new life together.

Hopefully when we go to Milwaukee September 17-18th, we will be setting a date--fingers crossed! Once we have that date in place, things will seem so much more real.. I cannot wait for the real planning to begin!

I am in a wedding this weekend, my first wedding I am in that I am not a flower girl. I am nervous but really excited. I feel like i should purchase one of those hideous, most uncomfortable things that women wear--the sucker-inners.. but I haven't tried on my dress in a few weeks because Emily accidentally took mine instead of hers. So let's all cross our fingers and maybe by the luck of the draw it will fit just perfectly and I wont' regret wanting a sucker-inner!

I have been reading this book that Emily gave me.. "Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs". It's more like journal entries, but the author writes about different happenings in our generation -- namely pop culture -- and how we just fall into it. It's all an analysis. Now so far we have talked about our romantic views looking at thigns like "John Cusac" and how The Sims allows us to play a life we wish we had, and how the Real World is just ridiculous. I am loving it.. so much so that I may randomly write book reports on them..aka most likely talk quite a bit about it here in my blog.

To be brutally honest, I kinda miss school. Weird, I know. Myself two years ago would have dropped dead if she heard it then. But seriously. I miss the social aspect, the learning, the how-to's in life. I definitely do not miss all the homework and studying, but if all that didn't come with oh man..sign me up! But I have been thinking of taking some online classes to further my education. I think that is something i may do when in Mississippi; I've done some research and St. Cloud is a Top 10 online school for getting your behavioral analyst degree. I would love to work with purely Autism. I feel I have a good background and want to further my knowledge, learn new techniques, etc etc. Time will tell. Granted, I still want to open my cafe someday--but business school does not sound appealing. Maybe I'll do that between jobs though.. work in a cafe and see how much school I'd truly need.

This is MJ, signing off.

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