Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August has come!

August if finally here.. it's quite the month..

--Emily moves out Monday. I am super excited that she got a job in the cities..but I am going to miss her like crazy. It's going to be strange not seeing each other every day.. and we've lived together for almost five years.
--Nate comes home on the 19th!!!!!
--I realized that I haven't spent an extended amount of time by myself..ever.. it's going to be strange and lonely. But I have plans to keep me busy. I have some DIY projects to spice up my apartment that I want to work on, deep clean the apartment, and get it ready for when Nate gets here. So overall, I'll be quite busy.

Emily is packing..and bags are all over the house.. it makes me sad. But I know things won't change.

Rose said she's going to visit me (hopefully) and help me clean; that'll be nice.

Nate got his wisdom teeth out and got a Doctor's Order to have a day and a half off so he got our apartment stuff set in order, put more stuff in storage, figured out things with the University. It's so nice not to worry about it anymore. Because they were all things that needed to be done ASAP that I couldn't help him out with. So big relief off my shoulders!

In wedding news. My mom had me check out some reviews she found on the Enchanted Barn (where Nate and I felt was our destined wedding site) and I was so bummed! Let's just say they were not good reviews. I didn't realize they only had outhouses, recommended vendors backed out last minute, uncooked food, a bride got kicked out of the bride's room and had to change in a garage that was full of windows, and they gave tours during weddings.. the two things that freaked me out the most was the outhouses and vendors backing out..as well as uncooked food--risks I am not willing to take.

So, we decided on having it in Milwaukee. I am excited. dates may change. So it'll either be June or October! Hopefully in a few weeks, Nate and I will be able to go visit home and set up meetings and figure that out for sure.

I am excited and anxious to at least get that set. Because if it does happen in June.. I have to get on it! We need engagement pictures set up. We need to ask people to be in the wedding. I have my bridesmaides and personal attendant set up. Nate needs to finish asking his groomsmen. I still need to ask my flower girls and our ring bearer. So hopefully in the next month and a half that is figured out.

Time for me to get my butt in gear and start getting into better shape again. I promised Nate I would start running with him when he moves in. But since I've said that, I noticed that I have slacked on the current exercise I've been doing... which is no bueno on my end..not going to help me not die when I start running.

Blah! Craziness!

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