Sunday, September 11, 2011

Red. White. Blue.

To start, today is my Dad's birthday!!! Happy Birthday, Bob! I love you so much. You are such a big part of my life, and I couldn't imagine life without you in it!
(Bob with my mom and my beautiful niece, Claire) And on to 9/11. Everyone seems to be posting where they were when they found out the tragic news on 9/11/01. First off, I can't believe it's been 10 years already; it feels like it was just a few days ago. I walked into my second class, German. I remember being intimidated in that class, being a freshman in a higher level class with upperclassmen *very intimidating*. So i was going through what we had practiced in the class prior, and as I walked in I noticed the tv was on, some girls were crying, and overall there was just silence. I focused my attention to the tv and dropped my bag. I found a seat and was in shock. I went home, where we were planning a nice dinner for Bob and my grandparents were coming over. That was the most quiet dinner of my life. We all sat there pushing food around my plate. Andrew was super young and didn't understand what was going on.
I want to thank all of the men and woman who have fought and continue to fight for this country. I want to pray for nothing but strength for not only the families who were directly affected by this tragic event, but to those who continue to fight this battle of terrorism to keep our country safe. On to a different note, GO PACK GO!!! First game of the season was not only a success but such a fun game to watch. As I was telling Nate, I am pretty sure they practiced their acrobatic and ninja skills...and man it paid off. Nate is on two fantasy football teams for the first time and it's funny seeing how into it he is. He tries explaining it to me, but honestly--I'd prefer to just watch the game! Also, if anyone is looking to get me a present. I would like this:
(Please and thank you!) I have a new addiction:
Unfortunately it is a show Nate and I started watching together, and with school, we have only made it to season 2. But let's just say, that is all we did last weekend. I am eager to watch more!!! I am excited to go home next weekend. We are finally going to be setting a wedding day!!! We have two meetings on Saturday (one with each vendor we're interested in) and one with a pastor on Sunday. I can't wait to have a date set! So exciting!!!! And I get to see my family!!!!!!! If Katrice is available, she is also going to be taking our engagement photos (can I say one more time how excited I am?!?!?!)

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