Sunday, November 11, 2012

77 Degrees

Yes, that's right. Today it was 77 degrees out--and yes, I was in shorts and a t shirt ALL day! I am loving it. What is truly fascinating (to me anyway) is that at night it can get down to the 30s but once the sun is up, it's just gorgeous! We had a wonderful first weekend here in our new home. Nate has a three day weekend so it's not even over yet! Friday we went on a double date for dinner at this restaurant a few miles away from us called 'The Warf'. I immediately thought of WSU when I saw the name. But it was in a strip mall and very down to earth. Ok..ok... to be completely honest we were kinda nervous when we walked in at 7:30pm on a Friday night and there was only one other couple there. I chose the shrimp salad and Nate had the alligator poy boy--both were fabulous. The couple we went out with are in Nate's unit who he had been at McCoy with. I didn't know them real well--but it was a lot of fun and definitely nice to connect with some people down here. On Saturday, we took Thor to the vet for his last round of puppy shots. He is a healthy 27.8lbs now! I wasn't completely impressed with the staff..but I am also spoiled by our vet in Minnesota. I am not sure if I had said anything..but Thor has a bff in the building next to us. His name is Rio, and he is just a few weeks older than Thor and a lab mix. They are about the same size right now--so it's been fun seeing them together every day and see who grew over night etc. Rio and his mommy live in the building next to us and every time we're outside Thor has to make sure (and I mean make sure) that Rio really isn't out at that time before he will come inside; it's hysterical. Rio actually came over for two play dates today and Thor shared his toys nicely. It's been great getting to know Heather too--progressively starting to get to know each other. Oh look at that, I skipped into Sunday. Ok, well to finish Saturday... we met up with the couple from Friday and another buddy and went to a bar/restaurant right by the college for dinner. Ended up meeting some locals who were heading to this bar called "La Rouge" which was just a few blocks away who had some local band playing. We couldn't pass that up, so we went and enjoyed some music and met a few more locals which was nice. I have to say that I am real appreciative of my ability to assimilate wherever I am and whomever I am with. I do not mean change who I am or what I believe, etc., but to be able to talk to all different kinds of people and not just stick out like some awkward sore thumb. Ok, so yes I can be awkward but I also can blend in when I want to. Today was a home day. Went grocery shopping and then started to hang up some wall decor (finally). We aren't done as I need to print out new photos etc.. but it's definitely starting to come along! We also purchased this adorable coat rack today--yes, I said it--adorable coat rack (aging myself much??). I hope tomorrow is another beautiful day, I hope to check out this huge trail nearby and finish decorating a bit more. In all honesty, I cannot wait to get paid..well for obvious reasons, since we didn't get the 'advance pay' we were 'guaranteed' last week--but so I can get my craft on! So many ideas!!!! Happy Sunday everyone!
This was the wristbands we had to wear last night. Hysterical. Oh yes, and there was an old lady there last night who had on a fleece cape that had a bunch of wolves on it..and all I could think about, you don't even see that in Minnesota!

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