Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tis The Day

Today is my last day helping out at my new job. I cannot wait to be back in Rosemount and sleep in my own bed! I had quite the week! Nate has come down with something, I have contemplated wearing a hazmat suite to avoid catching what he has--but I'm being a realist and it's inevitable that I will get it anyway. Tuesday night my coworkers had a dinner for my departure. It was very sweet. Ironically though it was my old staff. I realized how hard it has been being a young boss of many people my own age; however, I feel quite accomplished to see that I truly can separate work from personal and also carry the respect while at work even if we may be friends. It was a tough one to ignite but *pats self on back* I did it. I redid/updated my resume and received my recommendation letters from my director and the executive director. I almost cried. It's so hard to remind yourself on rough days that all your hard work will pay off... reading my resume and these letters I can't help but smile and say "damn girl you did it". Ok, I suppose I can be done bragging for now. But overall, working your butt off 24/7 really does pay off in the long run. Last night, Michaela and I had a last "roomie" adventure which consisted of walking to the BWW patio and enjoyed a few cocktails while soaking in the beautiful August evening. We had a chance to reflect over our lives and just have some good deep conversation. Then afterwards we had Popsicle and watched "The Muppets"/fell asleep during our 'sleepover' on the couches. So now my car is packed and ready to go. My work is complete. Just need to finish a few loose ends. Wow, what an ending to such a hard chapter in my life; I honestly would not have changed my experiences for anything.

1 comment:

  1. Such a wonderful friend you have in Michaela. You deserve all of your accolades - you've earned them. Although we don't tell you enough - you are pretty outstanding.
