Thursday, August 9, 2012


I decided to return from my blogging hiatus. To be perfectly honest, I somewhat forgot about this blog. I am going to try and make it into my weekly routine to possibly get creative, share photos, and just talk about my life in general. Quick recap of my existence: - May 26, 2012 was the best day of my life. I married the man who stole my heart! (I will post pictures in the near future). - We moved out of Winona to the Twin Cities for a few months while we clean up loose ends prior to being stationed in Mississippi for the next year. AKA, we moved in with my in laws. We are grateful for their generosity in sharing their house with us for a few months. - Nate has been off doing various Army trainings. - I have been back in Winona for the past month or so training new staff in and helping out wherever I can. Honestly, it felt so good to be back to work (didn't think I'd miss it as much as I did). I have one more week left before I head back up. To keep things simple, that best describes the past year for us. Last night has stirred our nest quite a bit... the Army decides that they want to mess with us (surprise surprise). I don't want to get too much into it in hopes to not jinx our luck. Hopefully within the next few weeks I can bring it up. I am so incredibly excited for tonight. My parents are coming to visit! They are spending the night in LaCrosse and we will have some much needed catch up; I haven't seen them since we left Milwaukee after the wedding. Also, they said they got a hotel room with a pull out. I am most likely going to jump on this opportunity seeing as I've been living on a couch the past month. Speaking of which, Michaela has been so generous in sharing her one bedroom apartment with me. I have been living out of her front closet and her living room is now my bedroom. It has been working out incredibly well and I couldn't be more thankful. Nate comes back from his training late Saturday night. Hopefully he will be making a trip down to see me on Sunday--I miss him so much! I've noticed that I need something to concentrate on during my free time, otherwise I get a little stir crazy. Therefore, I have been concentrating on puppies. I have my hopes up that we will be able to get one within the next few months. So me being me... I've been looking at all the shelters in the state of Minnesota. Naturally, I have fallen in love. But it's too soon for me to apply for her so I have to wait and pray that she waits (unless she finds another awesome home). More to come later.

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