Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Ok, Ok, so I admit it... being a new graduate isn't all what we make it out to be in our heads. I am still working at my current job, however that is part time, though I do get close to 40 hours a week...which is nice, but I would enjoy a full time. I have been trying, and not succeeding.
I realize that one of my flaws is wanting to figure things out for myself. Make my own mistakes. I like to think I am a good young lady with my head screwed on the right way; but when it comes to growing up, there is much I have to learn; I am just eager to find this out my own way. I don't want people telling me how I should be doing it. This may be immature of me, however I don't believe it is. As of right now, I am fully capable of supporting my own basic needs. I manage my money well and am opportunistic. Things have not been falling into place--which has stressed me out even more, and has pushed my blood pressure and health out of this world. But I am trying, and how can I learn if I don't try?

^ ^ ^
If none of that made sense, it was more of a rant to myself.

But anyways--on top of the bad many great things have happened so far. For example, I was finally able to make it to Milwaukee. It was a fabulous weekend. Here are a few moments at the zoo that I captured.

Even though life has its struggles. We have to remember to breathe and to slow down. I know I have to remind myself frequently, if I didn't... well, let's not go there!

Happy Easter to all! I will be going back to Milwaukee and spending Easter with my Grandma (or now as she started referring to herself .. "Grannie")!!!!!


  1. Things will fall into place for you. You do have your head screwed on straight - and you try - effort counts. I am very proud to be your mother. Loved having you "home" and miss you when I don't see you. Love you tons!

  2. Hi Marjanae, I enjoy reading your blog. :)

    You had a question a few entries back on checking your comments. I think that you can set up to receive an email notification of comments or you can moderate your comments (that is what I do). But other than that, I don't know!!

    And hang in will get in order, you're doing fantastic.
