Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dog the Bounty Hunter

So Dog the Bounty Hunter may or may not be my secret (yet not so secret) favorite tv show... it is funny, has the crime parts, and is absolutely ridiculous! How can you not love it?!

Anyways.. that is what I am doing.. curled up on the futon under a fuzzy blanket.. watching dog. Thinking about the ice cream that is taunting me in the freezer.

Sadly I haven't had a chance to make my pickled cauliflower.. but I hope to get on that soon!

I decided.. I am not ready for winter... and no, I never will be.

If I had my very own hot tub--I may, just maybe, change my mind.

Last night was a pretty epic night--Mickey, Emily and I stayed up till midnight (oh my gosh.. midnight on a weekday..i know!!!!! crazy..) and what did we do??? PLAYED GUITAR HERO! We made it adult like with a lovely glass of wine! It was a blast...and I think we all needed a good night like that!

My brother was sweet enough to let me own my very first game system (his old PS2) and I am actually really excited about it haha..

I am craving these things right now: sushi, indian food, big juicy shrimp, and chocolate milk. odd combo..

I finally started making my way to the gym again--it was really hard to get there.. but I found a new routine that satisfies me and makes me want to keep going--so I hope this keeps up! Though I will say--shin splints are the worst. Can anyone tell me why men (men who think they are a lot more buff than they are) have to make noises like they're giving birth while lifting weights??? It'd be nice if they kept it to themselves because it is real distracting and I can only hide my laughter for so long.

I am so incredibly excited for SAN FRANCISCO! I will be there in exactly one week and I can hardly handle it... family, Thanksgiving, California, warmer weather, not Winona, family, good food, smiles, pictures, laughter, adventures, family... life is going to be good :)

Ahahaha.. this show is utterly ridiculous....and Dog does need to actually wear a shirt.

Good Luck and Good Night!

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