Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What a beautiful Fall weekend

This weekend wasn't as calm as I had hoped--as I am still trying to beat whatever it is that is trying to attack my immune system--thanks to emergen-c and hot tea I am praying that it disappears into thin air! I also pray that Nate gets over whatever nasty cold he has--he is on two a days now until he passes his pt test--and I have so much faith that he can do it.. and I hope it's for himself...but his nasty cold is preventing him from running as well as he wishes.

We carved pumpkins in the kitchen on Saturday night and played some games.. the cats tried helping! It's interesting what people come up with... mullets, faces of all emotions, letters, all creative and perfect in each and every way. The conversation just enlightens the whole experience, followed by laughter, giggles, snapshots, pumpkin guts, and roasting some pumpkin seeds.

On Sunday we went on a beautiful walk to Latch Island (one of my absolute favorite places in Winona). We explored more than I had ever done in six years.. that was wonderful!

Monday morning was a rough one of goodbyes and back to work--rough day at work on top of that.

Today I went to a fabulous workshop in Rochester for work. I love these workshops and hope to continue being allowed to go to conferences to learn all that I can. They started the conference with a keynote speaker--whose name I am currently forgetting and it is driving me absolutely bonkers; I will have to look in my work book because I recommend that everyone listens to what he has to say -- I would absolutely love to hear him speak again. (Ow, the cat nipped me because I am paying more attention to typing than him!)

Anyways, it was wonderful.. the first workshop at the conference I choose to attend was about teamwork and the dysfunctions and how to overcome them--they gave me lots of ideas of how to make my workplace a better team and I am just the person to succeed--and I am determined to succeed. I have been overcoming the issue of getting some of my staff to see me in a new light... no longer just their peer but now their supervisor--it is a struggle that I will overcome.

We had a yummy lunch of sandwiches and salad.

The second workshop I went to was a more in depth view of Mental Illnesses. It was interesting--some of the illnesses I don't even work with but had similar characteristics to some of my clients; this intrigues me and made me think about different ways that I can attempt to improve my client's way of life. I do wish that we covered more information about Autism than we did--> when I signed up for it I was under the impression that the entire workshop was about Autism--but it wasn't. But that's ok, I still came out of it knowing more than I did before. I wish the speaker was a little more upbeat--she was a brilliant woman with lots of credentials but it was hard concentrating on what she was saying for four hours.. real monotone and quiet--I know we have all had professors like that and no matter how brilliant or how interesting the subject matter may be it is incredibly difficult to follow.

Afterwords I was able to meet up with my friend Makaela who currently lives in Austin for supper. We met at Hu Hot--if you've never been there, I highly suggest it (unless you have food allergies). You put all of your raw ingredients (tons of veggie and meat choices --even meat alternatives) and choose from a large display of sauces and give it to these chefs who cook it on this large, round flat grill right in front of you. Delish!!!! It is always nice to catch up with old friends. She is going to be moving to the twin cities at the end of the month and I wish her the best of luck! I actually met her through work--we worked together for about a year and a half until she moved back to Austin--we clicked instantly.

Well, I am now through half of a movie I got from Netflix (not sure the name) and I have noooo idea what's going on. Time to cozy up with Black Jack and hopefully fall asleep soon!

Until Next time!

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