Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I Can Do It!!!

Well, I am determined. I am going to loose 10-15lbs. I figured the best way to make sure I stay on track is to blog about it (not that I expect anyone to follow-- it's the fact that they could be..).

I have started this "Carb Lovers Diet" --> It's actually pretty tasty (if you know me, I enjoy my carbs). The main part about it is to make sure I make healthier alternatives, even if it's the little things--and especially portion sizes. And I like to think I am an overall pretty healthy eater--I don't munch on junk food regularly, I hardly ever have sweets.. but just seeing the few changes in how I cook or which ingredient would be healthier has opened my eyes and I already notice myself being more alert to these options.

I started on Monday. I have eaten what they told me I could (and yes, I had a few bites of things I probably shouldn't have) BUT I am not going to completely tell myself I cannot have it, otherwise all I will want to do is have it!)

A big struggle for me has been work. I didn't do a whole lot of movement before work and then I work till 9:30pm where I don't get a whole lot of movement and sure enough I sure as heck don't want to go to the gym after work. So I've been getting up a bit earlier to do a two mile walk--and it has given me a lot more energy throughout the day. Another struggle has been eating with my clients; to change this, I have been bringing my own meals and eating that over whatever they are having

Well it has been 2 days--and as strange as it sounds, I already feel like I have more stamina. I do feel as if the higher fiber diet has been doing the trick. I clearly have not been eating the proper amount of fiber previously.

2 day and 2lbs. And that makes me confident. Another struggle I have, is I need to see progress...instantly--in whatever I do, especially when it comes to my body. And to already see some progress keeps me confident and keeps my motivation high!

Another exciting moment of my week-->I've been trying to find a pilates or yoga class around town, and naturally all of them are when I am at work or 5am (and I am not that motivated..). BUT a new dance studio is opening up and on Tuesdays and Thursdays they offer Pilates from 11:30am-12:30am which is perfect--and it's priced incredibly well! I hope to start this next week!!!!

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