Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Quiet Place

Sitting on my porch
Soaking in some sun
Listening to music
And listening to the birds

Taking a minute to let the vitamin D soak into my pores
Skinny jeans tossed aside and sweatpants replaced.

Have you ever listened to music that just allows you to close your eyes and sign your little heart out? And you just feel it take over? that's good music.

Whoops cat almost jumped off the porch--time for him to go inside..
13.5lbs down.

Pad Thai for lunch--very tastey.

It's Mother's Day tomorrow. I wish all mothers a very happy day. I wish I could be with my mom tomorrow...but alas work calls... I have the most beautiful, intelligent, brilliant, creative, warm hearted, strong mother that I am so lucky to call mine. I LOVE YOU MOMMY!

1 comment:

  1. You make me blush - I love you. Was just looking this morning at a picture that I have posted on my door from many Mother's Days ago from you, Andrew and the fish.
