My mom found this in her drawer today.. It made me smile and tear up. For those of you who cannot read it:
Dear (Mr.Mrs.Mz) Toothfairy, Thank you for all the things you did for me. I was wondering if you could give a little something to my mom because she really got all the pain out of this one and helped me with all the others I had! Thank You! Love, Marjanae Zerehi
Hahaha..oh man... and sadly my handwriting hasn't gotten much better since the time the toothfairy came to me..
My mom shared a Smothered Porkchop WW recipe with me.. I made it last night with my own touches (with recommendations from Chef Mommy) and man it was delicious!!! Though I was a little bad and made Tadik with it instead of just rice..whoops..but still amazing. I will def make it again.
I am so excited to go to Vegas.
I am so excited that it's beautiful outside.
I am so excited to see my family and baby Leah and twin.
I need to stop letting my weird work hours affect my workout time(it's making me slack)
I need to start reading outside more often with this awesome weather.
My phone is being a bum and I don't like it.
I can't wait to be working 8-4pm starting in May for the summer. It's going to suck going back to regular hours but hey I get to actually enjoy a summer!
Such a sweet caring child. Love you a bushel and a peck