Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday, Everyone!

This week seemed like it lasted forever.
Work is going well but it has put me on a weird sleep schedule.
Still trying to put bits and pieces together...things are slowly falling into place.
I am having my cousin James over for dinner tonight---I can't believe he has been going to Winona State since last August and I have yet to see's about time. BBQ chicken and mashed potatoes are on the menu!
My roommate, Alissa, brought over some of her puppies from her mom's house--hard not to fall in love... and don't worry mom, I didn't keep one...unfortunately.

the bottom one is the only one without a home, and naturally I fell in love--the chubby puppies are the cutest--I named him Tubbers...sounds like he now has a home in Winona though.

This one is Fergie. He reminded me on Schnitzie--who was grandma's neighbor's dog..whom I use to take care of frequently. Good thing he already was claimed..because I probably would have kept him.

Miss Emily-M and I enjoying the jacuzzi.. well sort of. Our friend Matt is a high roller at a casino near by.. and he got a free suite so a bunch of us went up Monday night and had a nice little get-away.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I wish it was about 50-60 degrees warmer. Heck, I would even take 20 degrees warmer! Stay warm! And for those of you who are not healthy (my nieces and nephew in Colorado) get better soon!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lovely Ladies


I am proud to say that I will be her Maid of Honor! They are to be married in December!


Rose came to visit us from the cities, and here are some pictures from getting ready for the night!


We had a "family" dinner and I made some lasagna..I have to admit, it was pretty darn good!

Can't forget the side of homemade garlic bread that Matt made!

This is my new dutch oven! I am so excited to start using it more.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Family Lovin!

Emma showing her support for her Uncle

My twin!

I love my brother!

Look at that smile!

Grandma lovin!

Julia playing the Itsy Bitsy Spider with Grandpa!

Twin Lovin showing off their cute shirts made by Grandma!

Learning about the world!

Uncle Andrew showing them how to open boxes



As much fun as I had being home the past couple of is really nice not to be living out of a suitcase anymore!

Since I've been back in Winona:
- Joined the gym and have gone every day.
- Working
- Found out we have mice.. and a lot of them. in fact found two dead today.
- Rose came to town!

Here are some Mexico Pictures:

Giant Shrimp!
Grandma and Mom breaking out their dance moves!

The cousins on the top of the sun pyramid!
Mom and Bob on their way up to sun pyramid
Me and Andrew outside the Lady of Guadeloupe Church!
At the Anthropology museum
Two of my favorite women!
Mom caught me.
Waiting for the double decker tour bus around Mexico City
A homeless lady
Makes me laugh
El Matador
I loved all of the fruits that we don't get.

For more pictures..go on my facebook!