Sunday, December 2, 2012

December, Already?!

I cannot believe it is December 2nd and it was 80 degrees out!!! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE it, but just not use to it yet. We had a good week! Just got the rest of our new couch today! Friday we went and had some awesome sushi! Yesterday was the first day that I felt accepted here. Accepted in the sense of: had a girls day with our friend Becky. We went shopping and had lunch. During that time I got a text from a neighbor to hang out and when I saw my older neighbor she ran up and gave me a hug because she hadn't seen me in a few days. It was just very warming and I felt wanted by other people here other than Nate which felt awesome. I also had a great hair day! (haha) After a day of shopping and cuddling with the hubster we went to Manny and Becky's house for a game night and some cocktails. I forgot how much fun Pictionary is!!!!! Today was a day of football and we (the Packers) KICKED the Vikings butt! They restaurant we were watching it at definitely felt the need to make us feel like we were up north and cranked the air conditioning... We apparently are all now warm blooded and adjusted to the beautiful weather because we were FREEZING!
Isn't he so handsome with his new glasses!!!!!! Happy Sunday all!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I cannot believe that I have forgotten to update my Mississippi vs Midwest differences, so here we go!: - It is definitely a coke state. And I mean the most common things you'll see offered at a restaurant are: coke, diet coke, coke zero, and sprite. - Not many local restaurants offer alcohol. - There are no mixed alcohol stores. And I mean you can only buy wine and hard liquor in one store and beer in another. - They line dance to EVERY song. For example, we have the electric slide, etc. Here, they do dances like that to EVERY song (and different dances). - Still getting use to everyone calling you "ma'am, honey, baby, and sweetie" and it not being a come on. - People love to talk. - Milk is still expensive. - Everyone eats out..I mean any night throughout the week, you look at the restaurants and they are all busy. - Everyone seems to know someone in Minnesota or visited at some point in their lives (during the winter and will never return). THEY DON'T SHOW THE PACKER GAMES.... except tonight because we're the only 7:20 game woot!

Happy Thanksgiving!

There is so much to be thankful for. We are healthy, happy, together, a roof over our heads, and food in our bellies. We have a happy, healthy puppy (who is finally loosing his teeth [all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!!!])Nate had a nice long weekend which was so nice! We were able to have some nice quality time together.
On Monday, Nate and I started going Gluten Free. We absolutely LOVE it! Nate's headaches have gone away (and his need for caffeine and calmed), I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day (as does Nate). Nate is down 8lbs and I am down 4.5lbs so far. The bread is the first bread I have ever made (ever!) it is Gluten Free and I am quite pleased with not only how beautiful it is but how delicious it was. I primarily made it because I insisted on having stuffing for Thanksgiving and did not want to cave and eat regular stuffing. Speaking of Thanksgiving dinner--we had a lovely Thanksgiving lunch at someone's house. It was very nice, but I have to say that I was bummed (and homesick) that we only had ham (which I am not a fan of, but ate with a smile). Therefore, I said I was going to make a post Thanksgiving feast. On Friday, we had some friends over and I cooked a Gluten Free Thanksgiving meal. This included: a turkey (my very first one!), homemade bread turned into stuffing (first time making!), sweet potato casserole (first time making!), gravy (first time), mashed potatoes (not my first), and a pumpkin cheesecake (first cheesecake!). I was so happy with the results!!!!!!
We've been taking Thor to a dog park about 10 miles away. It is huge! It's separated into two different areas--one for smaller dogs and one for bigger. They have obstacles in there and it is generally pretty busy. We usually start him out in the small dog pen (if there are a few bigger dogs in the other pen) so they can sniff each other out between the fence. Well on Wednesday we took Thor there for about two hours.. they have people bring in dogs from the shelter to run around (which is awesome). But I am talking like 10 big dogs to two people.. well the people were not watching every move of every dog (which is so dangerous with that many dogs). And one dog almost saw its last day as far as Nate was concerned. She was picking on Thor and being very mean--trying to bite the back of his neck and his back legs. Was not playing at all. We finally got Thor out of there when his buddy, Shelby (who is a big ten month old lab mix who I walk every day) showed up and the mean dog finally left. So we decided to stay so Thor could play with his friend. Well Shelby is fast, and I mean fast as well as full grown. There was another dog who was helping the mut pick on Thor who remained and every time that dog approached Thor, Shelby ran (even from across the park) and immediately put herself between Thor and the other dog. It was so nice to see..especially since Thor is incredible submissive. We went back today and agreed we'd only stay if there were less than 10 dogs there. And ironically right when we got there, the mean mut was leaving. Thor got to interact with other puppies and his big friend, Wally. After a bath, Thor is now sleeping most of the afternoon away. We also bought a crate and have been working on crate training him. He knows "kennel" but we don't leave him in there yet. Progress.
I would just like to say how much these two pictures made my day. Emily and Michaela got together this weekend, and made sure I wasn't left out. It definitely had me smiling ear to ear. I miss you ladies and words cannot express how happy and special you guys made me feel. Thank you. Well we finally get the Packer game (seriously, finally..haven't been able to watch one all month!). So I am going to go do that. GO PACK GO!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


My poor furbaby is teething. After five ice cubes and a long walk he is now snoring in my lap. Nate and I were just introduced to "The Voice" and I found out we get all the shows on our new cable... so yes, I am sitting here cuddling and watching previous episodes..addicting! Luckily, I have cleaned the whole house, finished laundry, and did dishes so I have been productive. I know some are anxious for pictures--but I am still waiting for our pay check so I can order prints to hang up... that and we need to organize the 2nd bedroom. I am pretty excited--someone who is moving at the end of the month is offering us their awesome L shaped couch--so if the price is right (and after I look at it) we may have a new couch!!!!! We have the perfect area for it too! So we will see. Happy Hump Day everyone!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wedding Spam

They are currently sinching me into my dress!
How beautiful are they?!
Our first kiss as Mr. and Mrs!!!
This cutie thought he was a ring BEAR! RAWR!
How cute is he all jazzed up?! Well, I am drifting off..but I will spam some more later (so many to choose from!!!!)

77 Degrees

Yes, that's right. Today it was 77 degrees out--and yes, I was in shorts and a t shirt ALL day! I am loving it. What is truly fascinating (to me anyway) is that at night it can get down to the 30s but once the sun is up, it's just gorgeous! We had a wonderful first weekend here in our new home. Nate has a three day weekend so it's not even over yet! Friday we went on a double date for dinner at this restaurant a few miles away from us called 'The Warf'. I immediately thought of WSU when I saw the name. But it was in a strip mall and very down to earth. Ok..ok... to be completely honest we were kinda nervous when we walked in at 7:30pm on a Friday night and there was only one other couple there. I chose the shrimp salad and Nate had the alligator poy boy--both were fabulous. The couple we went out with are in Nate's unit who he had been at McCoy with. I didn't know them real well--but it was a lot of fun and definitely nice to connect with some people down here. On Saturday, we took Thor to the vet for his last round of puppy shots. He is a healthy 27.8lbs now! I wasn't completely impressed with the staff..but I am also spoiled by our vet in Minnesota. I am not sure if I had said anything..but Thor has a bff in the building next to us. His name is Rio, and he is just a few weeks older than Thor and a lab mix. They are about the same size right now--so it's been fun seeing them together every day and see who grew over night etc. Rio and his mommy live in the building next to us and every time we're outside Thor has to make sure (and I mean make sure) that Rio really isn't out at that time before he will come inside; it's hysterical. Rio actually came over for two play dates today and Thor shared his toys nicely. It's been great getting to know Heather too--progressively starting to get to know each other. Oh look at that, I skipped into Sunday. Ok, well to finish Saturday... we met up with the couple from Friday and another buddy and went to a bar/restaurant right by the college for dinner. Ended up meeting some locals who were heading to this bar called "La Rouge" which was just a few blocks away who had some local band playing. We couldn't pass that up, so we went and enjoyed some music and met a few more locals which was nice. I have to say that I am real appreciative of my ability to assimilate wherever I am and whomever I am with. I do not mean change who I am or what I believe, etc., but to be able to talk to all different kinds of people and not just stick out like some awkward sore thumb. Ok, so yes I can be awkward but I also can blend in when I want to. Today was a home day. Went grocery shopping and then started to hang up some wall decor (finally). We aren't done as I need to print out new photos etc.. but it's definitely starting to come along! We also purchased this adorable coat rack today--yes, I said it--adorable coat rack (aging myself much??). I hope tomorrow is another beautiful day, I hope to check out this huge trail nearby and finish decorating a bit more. In all honesty, I cannot wait to get paid..well for obvious reasons, since we didn't get the 'advance pay' we were 'guaranteed' last week--but so I can get my craft on! So many ideas!!!! Happy Sunday everyone!
This was the wristbands we had to wear last night. Hysterical. Oh yes, and there was an old lady there last night who had on a fleece cape that had a bunch of wolves on it..and all I could think about, you don't even see that in Minnesota!

Take A Moment

Take a moment, even if it is just a second to think about not only those who have lost their lives to keep you safe, but those who are currently serving and have served (and those who will serve.
This is a picture I took at Nate's basic graduation. My gratitude and appreciation to all the men and women, not only in my life but every single one of them, is so great. So thank you Veterans.
I took this picture when Nate returned from work on Friday. How precious!