Monday, July 18, 2011

Satan, please take your weather back!

My mom makes me giggle...but it's no joke, soooooo hot! Yet my cat wants to be all up on me--I love you kitty ::BUT DON'T TOUCH ME!::

Wow, it has been a while since I've written in here. Here comes more spurts of my madness.

growing up is exciting,and eventful, and uplifting, and all hitting me at once!
Emily got a job and is moving back to the cities--i am super excited for her.. but it's going to be quite the change from living with someone whom I've lived with for almost five years to living with the love of my life. It will be exciting and completely new, and honestly maybe that's what I've needed..except I'd like the completely new to not be in Winona..but I'll take what I can get--trying to be optimistic.

I'd appreciate it if our government opened back up. Politics how I despise you.

I have a new addiction that I do every day.. read. On my porch (well, not today..too hot!) but I subsituted my beach chair for my couch, smack dab in front of the air conditioning!

More addictions: True Blood and Army Wives. It's nice being able to relate to Army wives, but damn that show makes me cry like a baby! But still it helps me connect to people who technically don't exist..but they really do. Speaking of Army sounds like Nate and I will be mobilizing somewhere after we are married; rumor has it Mississippi. I have always wanted to live somewhere random, but I can't say I would've chosen Mississippi. PS I remember learning how to spell Mississippi--I was on a roadtrip with my mom and dad. How I remember that? good question..but I remember giggling because I kept ending it with a "y" and then kept asking "why?" when they'd tell me that was incorrect.

Less than a month (officially) until Nate is done with his current mobilization..I CANNOT WAIT! I am so anxious, it finally feels close! Yet, at the same time it feels so far away and makes me miss him even more..weird how that works.

I am very confused in a certain aspect of my life that I don't care to get into a whole lot of detail about.. but I've been picked over..which usually isn't a huge issue, but this one hurts. I don't know how to respond to it--so I have decided just not to respond at all.

I did a disgusting thing this weekend--I left my lunchbox in my car--yes steaming hot car all weekend--and no, naturally it wasn't empty.. had salad makings and blueberries in it--wow did my car STINK! I didn't even dare open it and threw out my lunchbag :( I liked that lunchbag.

I still have dreams about me opening my own cafe. But more recently I've been thinking about how amazing it would be to go get my masters as a behavioral analyst. I was thinking if we do get mobilized, I found that St. Cloud is in the top ten online programs to become a behavioral analyst--and honestly, why not do it? It'd be the perfect time to do so. It's not like I'd find some fantastic job for a year why not further my education? It's weird, in some strange way I miss school and writing papers. Definitely don't miss taking tests though. I don't know if it was the routine or what. But I think some online schooling would be good for me--granted I've avoided looking at how much it'd cost me. Time will tell...maybe i will end up going to Culinary School like I've dreamed of and own my own restaurant or cafe some day.

Speaking of restaurants..had one of the most disgusting experiences tonight. Me, Emily, and Michaela went out for dinner at the Green Mill. It's decent, for Winona. Nothing to wow about. well to start--we were starving and our waitress ignored us..took 20 minutes till she took her order..and then another 45 minutes until we got our food. well Emily and I both ordered the Spinach Tortillini (yes I was being bad) but it sounded so good..anyway--pretty sure it was sitting under that heating lamp since we put in our order--it looked almost like pot stickers when we got it. Then we both took a bite--and it had that "I shouldn't have microwaved my leftovers from over a week ago" taste. And it was cold. Sorry, but I don't have th ekind of money to just let a nice meal go. So we complained. Question: Is it annoying to anyone else that after you've been presented a bad meal and you ask to talk to the manager, and they tell you that they don't understand what "tastes like old food" tastes like? Yeah--over and over. Then our waitress 10 minutes later comes back and says how she heard our food wasn't good--which we would have happily told her if she was around.. and that she thought it looked great..well lady apparently for one you don't know what good food looks like--because like i said it didn't even look appetizing (and I've ordered this dish many a times before) and did you taste my food before you brought it to me? I was starving and not about to eat this've given us nothing but terrible service--yes, I am now going to have an attitude, especially since you started one with, we are no longer hungry and don't want to wait another 45 minutes for another dish. and yes, we want the bill..and naturally 15 minutes later she comes back with the bill. Thank god for good company because we were already talking about just walking out--it was ridiculous!

Wow, I sound exciting. ha!

Well, time to pop in my Netflix (yes, I received another disk of True Blood..and it stinks that there are only two episodes per disk) and doze off. Stay cool and hydrated everyone!