Monday, December 21, 2009


Here I am..embarking on my first adventure out of college....Mexico City! My family and I arrived on Sunday and are staying with my Uncle Michael and his beautiful family! It has been wonderful thus far (minus this cold that refuses to leave..) I wish the weather was warmer out.. but I will take this over what we have in Minnesota and Wisconsin!

I love this experience of new culture and attempting to communicate with the locals, without sounding like a naive American. If I lived here..I would never attempt to drive a motorized vehicle... it is scary! I was told there are two rules: 1. Do not hit anyone 2. watch to make sure cars won't hit you. Chaos. But surprisingly, I haven't felt like my life would end...

We went to a bull fight last night--the pictures are on mom's camera..I will try and get them off as soon as I can--it was an experience that's for sure...glad I went--but it is not my new favorite sport.

There are little kids (and adults for that matter) who run through the cars when we're stopped asking for money and trying to sell you things--it's sad--these kids are under six years of age.

My Uncle and Aunt's house is absolutely beautiful!!

My pictures don't seem to want to upload right now..but I will try and get some up as soon as possible!


Well!!! I did it! I graduated from Winona State University! I now have a BA in Sociology of Family.. I am also proud to say that I graduated on the Dean's List!
Me and Nate after graduation!

My Lovely family!

My and my roommates!

My Grandma!!!

Everyone at the lunch afterwards!